Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adventures in Blogging

Nerd is the word.

That's right, this is the blog of a truly geeky red-haired girl.

I'm not kidding. I'm one of the biggest dorks I know and I've been told I'm the nerdiest girl most people will ever meet. I'm borderline Trekkie. I'm a level 76 Blood Elf Priest. My favorite band is currently Gamma Ray. I even manage a Video Game Store. I love a good comic book. No one I know can beat me at Tetris. I can do a near perfect Wookie Noise. I even have a retainer. Yes, I'm 25 years old, and I have a retainer... If that doesn't say "geek" then I don't know what does.

In this blog you will find:

1. Reviews of games that I LOVE! Including retro games that I feel still deserve to be played in their sheer awesomeness.
2. Reviews of metal bands that I LOVE! Or even bands that I hate... because the bands I hate deserve to be hated by others.
3. Weird stories from my every day life at my Video Game Store.
4. Stories of my adventures in travel around the world. I'm a theme park/thrill junkie. I also want to visit every country in the world before I die. How's that for a bucket list?
5. The occasional 90's pop culture reference... because that's what happens when you are a child of the 90's.
6. Rants about things I love and about things I hate... because that is the true definition of "Blog".


  1. I look forward to reading it! Good luck with the blog.

  2. Me too! Eagerly awaiting for some geekstatic stuff! :)
